“You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” C.S Lewis
Jenny Lawson mentioned in her blog (www.thebloggess.com) that she is referring to 2013 as the year in the library. A year to stop, stare out the window and prepare. I don’t predict big life changes for 2013. I predict stabilizing. I need to nail down a foundation in many areas of my life before I will be comfortable to jump forward. Spending the year in the library studying and dreaming sounds perfect.
Become an expert in food as well as nutrition
Take a course and/or certification
Read a biography
Make home lovely always
Be active
Love with my mind and body
Dress with confidence
Donate, fundraise or volunteer to at least one worthy cause
Travel (at least twice)
Read and create
Give more time to friends and family