I am a planner and an organizer. I make lists of to-buy and lists of to-do. I seem to have big plans and very little patience. When I looked back on my 2012 new year’s resolutions I was surprised but not surprised at the same time. Of course I accomplished some of my goals because I planned for them and that is what goals are for. Some keep us striving for bigger even when we fall short. And some are small encouragements along the way.
I regularly make plans, goals and lists of tasks but I rarely reflect on them or measure myself against them. So here we go.

Accept that I can’t change people but do at least one thing to improve the health and lives of the residents
I haven’t fully accepted this but I have worked on improving the menu. More whole wheat while keeping within the tight budget. A small victory but one I am proud of none the less.
Promote nutrition with confidence
While slowly becoming more confident within nutrition this is an ongoing process. Small accompishments include, cooking more, taking on clients and promoting nutrition month; set backs include; leaving a community based job.
Focus on one
Mr. One
Give everything I have
It has been a tough year for love but I can honestly say that I have given it all I have.
Enjoy now and stop looking far ahead
Only taking next steps when I am ready. No need to rush and regret.
Donate, fundraise or volunteer to at least one worthy cause
I donated to a women’s’ shelter as Christmas gifts. “Think global, act local”
Travel (at least twice)
Less tv; more everything else
According to goodreads I read 26 books this year
Never forget FAMILY and FRIENDS
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