I started a blog half a year ago while I was single and dating. I would blog about the boys and I how I felt. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve and I used my blog as an outlet for my feelings as well as my adventures. No one knew about it and it was a way for me to express myself in secret. Only 3 or 4 blog posts in, the boy I called “Mr. One” wanted to get serious with me. Mr. One is an ex-boyfriend. We dated young and long distance. When the distance faded I realized I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted so I ended it before it took over everything. I called him Mr. One because he was the closest to finding “the one” as I ever got. We broke up for 2 years (hence the single and dating and writing a blog) but remained pretty close friends. So when he came back and said he was ready to get serious I was nervous. I stopped writing the blog because I didn’t know what to write. I didn’t know how I felt or what was going to happen. I love him very much but I had been hurt and a wall had been built up between us. I was also still dating Mr. X. Basically, I had nothing to say.
I am finally ready to put my thoughts and words back out there. Mr. One and I are dating. Little by little the wall is crumbling down. I would be lying if I said that everything is perfect. I have doubts. I have worries. I even have regrets. But it has come to a crossroads with him and I. We either give it a shot now or we never do. It has potential to be the love of my life and I have to give it that chance. If for some reason it doesn’t work out, I will deal with that too as I have in the past.
What used to be a blog about dating and the single life is now about a girl starting a life and hopefully happiness.
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