Thursday 25 August 2011

jump with both feet

Mr. One is moving in with me..
I have commitment issues, trust issues, space issues, all the issues that would make it terrible for Mr. One to be moving in with me. My apartment and space was created to get over him. But here I am jumping with both feet. I can’t live on the edge of doubts, regrets and insecurities anymore. I got keys cut, I unpacked some of his boxes and I ordered internet and cable. Some days I will have to talk myself into it, but I am embracing the new life. I am probably sounding like this is the worst thing to happen to me. I am afraid of what could happen but I am also excited for the possibilities. He makes me laugh like no one else can. He knows the real me better than anyone else and he loves me despite it. I love him and no matter what everything will be okay.

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